Tuesday 10 July 2012

Apple Chutters

On Saturday we made THIS CHUTNEY RECIPE. We'd made it before, and it was pretty nice. It turned out well this time too.

Hmm, it doesn't look particular sexy at this stage does it? FYI, it's got apple (obviously), gallons of cider vinegar, onion, heaps and heaps of sugar, raisins and cranberries in it. We gave a couple of jars away to friends, I'm going to give one to a colleague for her birthday, and we had it with our super exciting tea!

Our friend came over on Saturday evening and we made the fried courgette recipe from the Leon cook book that we always make. It's nice. It's just fried sliced courgette with a bit of garlic. We served it with a semi-improvised stab at making apricot and chickpea falafel, which had a little bit too much apricot in for me, but everyone else seemed to like it. Here's the wonderful table setting, just in case you're wondering what our tea looked like. I flipping love rocket.

SPOILER: there was a bottle of salad cream on that table too, but it was moved out of shot as it kind of dragged the sophistication levels down quite dramatically. Also, the plan was to have a photo of us all having a great time together, but we both look pretty stupid in the photos and there isn't one of Rebecca on her own. Unlucky.

Here's a couple of the jars of chutney that we gave away! One was for our aforementioned friend Rebecca, who infrequently writes a blog and zine called Threads and Letters and the other we gave to Natalie, who famously writes the Shrieking Violet zine and blog, and is generally great. 

I think that's it. Oh! Apparently people are reading this blog. If you are reading this post and you have a nice chutney recipe, why not comment and tell us what it is rather than being selfish and keeping it to yourself? 

Many thanks,


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